Responding to a call from Latinx students for better representation, the Department of Theatre commissioned playwright Georgina Escobar to write an original work. Directed by Associate Professor Carlos Cruz , whose research explores immigration and the migrant experience, Escobar's MIGRANT X drew from the stories of students and community members to create a "migrating" theatre experience for five sold out performances. "We expand and erase the barrier between the artist and the community and allow the space for a community activist to have a space to literally tell the stories in first-person," Cruz told Queen City Nerve.

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Final Designs
To capture the vibrant energy of the playwright, the print campaign used four main colors that were inspired by the costume and set design. The illustration of the dragon symbolized the outdoor performance, taking the viewer on a mental and physical journey of the migrant experience.
UNCC's play, Migrant X, was featured in an article on WFAE's website. Maria Ramirez Uribe wrote and interviewed various people including one of the actors, Alumnus Ken Quiroz, as well as the playwright Georgina Escobar.

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